Baobab - from one mother to the other

Baobab - from one mother to the other

My son has been diagnosed with autism, coeliac, epilepsy, allergies and other related spectrum of disorders. This has imposed so many challenges over the years, especially in the area of eating.

His gut was damaged by antibiotic, years of not knowing he was coeliac, other medication and most of all yeast infections. He was sensitive and reactive to medications and I always had to look into nature for solutions.

Recovering his gut after clearing his yeast infection I have faced a hurdle with balancing his gut bacteria. I have tried all sort of probiotics and he was responding with pain, crumps and other uncomfortable symptoms. I have had to think about how I can help to grown the good bacteria in his gut naturally. I have researched many natural and plant base options and came across Baobab which is a fruit that is a natural probiotic. That means it is like a food for the good bacteria in our gut. It was fascinating discovery, especially learning where baobab comes from.


Trusting the source of Baobab was a new issue where I discovered how many Chinese companies add starch to the powder. I need it pure and gluten free.

I discovered Aduna Baobab and to an absolute joy I was learning that it comes from another mother from rural Ghana.


‘Drought-stricken Upper East Ghana where Aduna’s baobab fruit supply chain is based, is one of the most remote areas in rural Africa.  Here, 90% of people live in extreme poverty and hunger and malnutrition is rife. The women in Upper East are particularly marginalised – with no rights to land or property and high illiteracy levels.’

I was so moved to see the work Aduna is doing and I felt strong connection. Perhaps we are a world apart. Maybe I am in the Western world where food is wasted and this mothers are struggling in Africa, but we share the same worry – we struggle to feed our children. For very different reasons!

‘Families produce their own food to survive but they aren’t able to grow crops during the long dry season. There are few ways in which women can earn an income with their choices limited to collecting firewood which does not pay well and damages the environment – or spending large chunks of the year away from home.’

I thought if Baobab can help my son to eat, then I could help to feed their children by buying their Baobab.

‘One of the few rights women have is ownership of the trees and their produce. This includes baobab trees, which grow wild in the most remote, rural parts of 32 African countries. The baobab is a prehistoric species which has adapted to its environment over time, enabling it to survive in the African savannah where all around is dry and arid. Its fruit is one of the most nutrient-dense in the world - a rich source of vitamin C, almost 50% fibre and high in antioxidants - a genuine, 100% natural superfood.’

‘Empowering women to harvest and process their baobab fruits, which ripen in the dry season, provides a much needed source of income at a critical time of year.’


Been a plain and sattle tasting powder it was easier for me to snick a spoonful into my son’s meals.

We have improved and continue using Aduna Baobab to maintain gut health.

I would add Boaoba to a carrot cake, porridge, and most of all to the chocolate snacks that keep my son nourish when he couldn’t eat. We name the snacks Nono as he would say no to everything or everything had to be with no glute, no dairy, no preservatives, no GMO, no artificial ingredients…. I also proudly waned to say No to all the other social issues that affect me and my son: No exclusion, No discrimination, No sexism ….

Later, when I set up Functional Food Co and we started to produce Nono for others to enjoy, I was even more then pleased that every Nono truffles had Baobab in it:

  • To make more #happyguts
  • To #MakeBaobabFamous

This is how the World becomes a very small and united place, when one mother helps the other!


Approximately 40% of people have at least one digestive symptom at any one time (NHS, 2016). Despite the growing awareness of the role of fibre in improving our digestive health, 80% of people in the UK don’t eat enough of it.

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